Australian law states that each residential premises must have at least one working smoke alarm on each level of the premises. This includes all residential premises including: owner occupied, apartments, rental properties, any form of shared accommodation and relocatable homes.
The smoke alarm must comply with Australian Standard AS3786 in that the occupants of buildings must be protected while they are sleeping. Depending on what class of building you have will determine where the alarm is to be placed.
The duty of care for the smoke alarm has been placed on the landlord, pushing the test button and replacing the battery does not constitute testing. The detector is to be tested in accordance with AS3786. Certification that the alarm works under a fire situation is deemed a formal test.
New regulations effective March 2020 due to changes in residential tenancy regulations (NSW)
Under certain circumstances tenants can manage their own smoke alarm requirements, eg they can change the battery but must notify the landlord they are doing so and must re notify when they have completed.
From 23 March 2020, NSW landlords and agents need to ensure that smoke alarms installed in rented properties are in working order.
A tenant is entitled to reimbursement within 7 days after giving written notice of relevant expenses. The notice must detail the nature and cost of repairs together with copies of receipts or invoices. This does not apply to social housing tenants.
For more information on specific requirements for certain types of alarms please refer to the Fair Trading Guide below.
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